Bad news, but good prediction!

Horary astrology is a great tool for answering specific questions and gettings insight into situations that you are close to.

This entry's reading is one I did recently and is a great example of how, when you ask a question, you have to be prepared for disappointment.

My question: Will I get the role that I have auditioned for.

Some background. I spend a lot of time in theatre-related pursuits, including performing. I recently auditioned for a musical production and got a call back. I didn't hit it out of the park, but I did hold my own. However, the competition was stiff.

When I hadn't heard back one way or another the following day, I felt impassioned enough about wanting to know what my chances were, that I cast a horary chart, illustrated below.


The first thing to note is that Gemini rises in the hour of the moon. This gives the chart the quality of being "not radical" or "not rooted." It doesn't make the reading useless, but it does indicate a potential cloudiness in the reading. But, I still went forward.

In this chart, I am represented by the Mercury (ruler of Gemini). Mercury is very well dignified, which is a good sign to start with, basically saying I brought my A game, such as it was.

The role I wanted (or more accurately, the decision makers for casting the role) are represented by Saturn, dignified by term and face. The decision makers are perhaps a bit distant, but they don't have it out for anyone, and since picking one person for the role means saying no to 4 others, Saturn is a decent representation.

The competition, such as it is, is indicated by Jupiter, ruler of the 7th house. Dignified by face.

So, now we start seeing who's in a better position w.r.t. Saturn: Jupiter or Mercury. Start with looking as aspects.

Jupiter and Saturn are separating, and Mercury and Saturn are mutually applying. So far so good! But it's a pretty wide trine, and one "testament of success" does not a positive reading make, so I looked closer.

This is where things get a bit less great:

Mercury is retrograde, so yes, I'm coming close to Saturn, but I wondered if I'd actually "make" the trine. Looking ahead a few days, I see that Mercury never actually gets a chance to "perfect" its aspect with Saturn. I take a run at ti, and then stop and turn around. This is a kind of "refrenation" which testifies against my goal of getting the role.

Additionally, Mercury is so close to the sun as to be considered "combust." Another strike. And finally, even though Saturn and Jupiter have just separated, Saturn is dignified in a sign ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter is well dignified in a sign ruled by Saturn. Even though they are separated by a few degrees, there are still vestiges of reception between the two planets. Basically, they're getting on well. And to top it off, Saturn, representing the person making the decision, is placed right in the 7th house, that of my competition.

So... in the wash, I didn't think I was going to get the role. I also noticed that the moon, representing action, is slow, so I was not only not getting the role, I was going to have to wait to hear back.

And that brings me to this morning. As predicted, I did not get the role. At least, it was less of a surprise, having taken a peek at the outcome through the stars a few days before.